Nursery Rhymes
Рифмы Матушки Гусыни
For want of a nail
For want of a nail the
shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.
Гвоздь и подкова
Не было гвоздя Подкова пропала.
Не было подковы Лошадь захромала.
Лошадь захромала Командир убит.
Конница разбита Армия бежит.
Враг вступает в город,
Пленных не щадя,
Оттого, что в кузнице,
Не было гвоздя
Pussycat pussycat
Pussycat pussycat, where have you been?
I've been up to London to visit the Queen.
Pussycat pussycat, what did you dare?
I frightened a little mouse under her chair
Где ты была сегодня, киска?
У королевы, у английской.
Что ты видала при дворе?
Видала мышку на ковре! |
Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the King's horses, And all the King's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again!
ну, это вы должны помнить... |
A wise old owl
A wise old owl lived in an oak
The more he saw the less he spoke
The less he spoke the more he heard.
Why can't we all be like that wise old bird?
Itsy Bitsy spider
Itsy Bitsy spider climbing up the spout
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
Now Itsy Bitsy spider went up the spout again!
Doctor Foster
Doctor Foster went to Gloucester
In a shower of rain.
He stepped in a puddle
Right up to his middle
And never went there again!
Glouster pronounced kak Глостер, a Worchester pronounced
kak Оустер. V Masshacusettse - eto New England i ne takoe vstretish.
Naprimer - Hoverhill. Dudes kak oni pronounced entot Hoverhill, nifiga
ne poverite. Hoverill - eto Хэйврил
Koroche dlia geographicheskih nazvaniy i dlia familiy v Englishe obychno
net pravil proiznoshenia.
Юджин, 03.02.2009
А Мурку слабаешь?
Sam Marshak translated as:
Доктор Фостер
Отправился в Глостер
Весь день его дождь поливал.
Свалился он в лужу,
Промок ещё хуже,
И больше он там не бывал.
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